Early Bird Pricing: $222; Full Price $397

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Shakti~. the dynamic, wild, creative power of the universe, that is pulsating, vibrating, and dancing in all living things.

Activation ~ Arising, Arousal, Renewing, Restoring, Awakening

Celebrate and honor the full diversity of your being and your life's empowerments. This is an invitation to activate your full feminine essence and power. Together, we are going on a step-by-step. adventure to reclaim our intrinsic wild nature by searching inward—by exploring. the caverns of your own Shakti, your feminine power, and excavating the precious jewels waiting to be placed on your crown.

With the Map of the Chakra System in hand and the ritual tools of yoga asana, mantra, mudra, meditation, and storytelling you will meet seven different faces of the goddess. Seven different Shakti embodiments all of which are archetypical reminders of the empowering energy you already behold.

Session 1: July 15th, 9am PST/ 12pm EST Kali: Moving Beyond Fears

Session 2: July 19th, 9am PST/ 12pm EST Lakshmi: Abundance and The 8 Desires

Session 3: July 25th , 9am PST/ 12pm EST Durga: Strength, Courage, & Radical Liberation

Session 4: July 27th, 6pm pst/9pm EST Radha: The Heart of Devotion

Session 5: August 1st. 9am PST/ 12pm EST Saraswati: Fostering Creative Flow & Intuition

Session 6: August 3rd: 6pm pst/9pm EST Ardhanarishvara- I Honor the Whole of Me

Session 7: August 9th: 9am PST/ 12pm ESTGayatri– Illuminate the Path

Over the course of our time together you will awaken inner connections that have been lost. You will reintroduce yourself to your essence and become inspired to stop casting away parts of yourself and your womanhood and remember there are many different faces of the goddess! You will ignite your inner goddess to become your outer goddess!!


  • Awaken 7 different Shakti forces and learn their chakra correspondences

  • 7 Dynamic Vinyasa Sequences to embody the energy of each unique Shakti goddess

  • Learn the Bija Mantras and or Mantras for each Shakti

  • Activate the Magic of Mudra and the Power of Mantra with my Signature Shakti Mudra Dances

  • Experience the empowerment of each Shakti through storytelling and learning about her Iconography.

  • Journal Prompts and Self Reflection

  • Time for Question and Answer

  • Access to a beautiful global online community

  • An extending invitation to take part in a 40-day Shakti Sadhana

    ** All Live Sessions will be approx 90 minutes. All sessions will be recorded and made available within 24hrs. You will have access to all the content for an entire year***